Database Administration Services

Features of outsourcing Database Administration(DBA)
- Extremely Downsized Costing: We offer our professionalized and skilled DBA services at smart prices, amazingly, almost at less than half of what you’d pay to any full time employee. This would direct your company’s resources and capabilities in right manner and you’d be able to focus on your core business strategies.
- Team of Experts: With our Remote Database Administration Development experts you have access to the best in the field that can focus to your specific needs. These experts can do multiple jobs such as backup/ recovery of data, tuning/ implementing new database features and most importantly these experts have the capability to identify the problem and find solutions to them before they occur in your business.
- Development experts provide around the clock coverage monitoring for a variety of potential troubleshoots and respond immediately to the same. Thus, even when you are sleeping it our responsibility that your business is taken care off.
- Technical Expertise: We provide technical expertise right to your office premises through our Remote DBA experts, who are adept in providing various database operations vis-à-vis; back up and recovery of data; fine tuning and implementing new database features; problem tracking and compatible solutions thereof.
- Round the Clock Technical Support Back up: Database is the crucial aspect of your business. It can make or unmake your business. Therefore, it is essential that you have the best database and to here it is where our seasoned DBA experts come in. We give round the clock data monitoring for carrying troubleshooting and not to say; quick response time.
We Offer below Services :
- Complete database monitoring
- Seamless Maintenance of Data
- Database designing and analyzing
- Supplementary support your staff
- Technical database support
- Support back up for recovery of lost and corrupt data
- Consistent reporting procedures for reporting on daily and weekly basis
How it Useful to Client’s Business.
- Improvised and Efficient Handling of Services
- Detailed analysis of Database
- Reduced Costing

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