Venus Compressors Private Limited is established in 2000, in the span of 5 years it had achieved a trusted named in Air Compressor Manufacturers. Venus offers the complete solution for compressed air system with Reciprocating Air Compressor, Air Dryers, Compressed Air Micro Filter Etc.
Innovation, High Standard Engineering Products, Prompt After Sales Services, Best Quality are pillars of the company. Venus is offering the systems with latest technology, Innovative Design, High Efficiency Compressor with Power saving modes.
With the constrain of market to reduce the capital investment with best technology and product, VENUS had started a new trend of Recon Screw Compressors Of Other Brand, which got very good success not only in EUROPE but also in INDIA. It had installed lot many screw compressors with reconditioning to many corporate sector like Ceramic, Textiles, Tubes, Forging, Castings, Foils and other.
Venus started its Screw Compressors range in collaboration with German Screw technology with 6-4 lobes Screw ratio,the best proven and efficient in the screw compressor technotogy.
Venus Sales Executive App
Features :
- Sales person Login form
- He can add Inquiry via inquiry form as per described on paper
- He can add quotation via quotation form as per described on paper
- He can add Orders via order form

Venus Service Engineer App

Features :
- Service Engineer Login page
- He can view pending and recent Leads assigned by Manager Or Administrator
- He can view Weekly , Monthly leads with status (Pending, Completed, Cancelled)
- Add task into the Leads like add work comments, update task-list.
- End user can do digital sign and he will complete the leads.
- End user will get notification and SMS to give review on his completed Service lead.
Service Engineer Manager / Venus Dealer App
Features :
- Manage will login by ZONE ID (created by administrator)
- He will get Alert notification when user will submit new service leads, inquiry and services Engineer will update any leads.
- He can view pending service leads
- He can view service leads by weekly with status (Pending, Completed, Cancelled)
- He can view service leads by months with status (Pending, Completed, Cancelled)
- He can Add /Update / Delete Service Engineer
- He can Generate Service Eng. Login Id and password
- He can Assign pending leads to Service Engineer
- He can edit completed service leads

Web Design
Venuscompressors field that involves digital interfaces such as websites services. By using HTML code to program websites and CSS to standardize.

Data Security
Venuscompressors Data security refers to process protecting data unauthorized access and data corruptions of throughout its lifecycle.

Project Management
Venuscompressors is the use of specific of knowledge, skills tools and techniques deliver something of value to people . Each project is unique.
Technology Stack
Our Best Services

Clean Design
We Create Responsive Design One The Best Hire Dedicated Developer And Best Developer Designer

Creative Idea
We Give You Creative Idea About Site Or App And Support For Your Idea With Dedicated Developer

Digital Marketing
Create You Site Famous With Digital Marketing We Provide Full Support Digital Marketing

Highly Customization
Are Dedicated Developer Give You Highly customization All Dedicated Development For You Site