
Posted by | May 23, 2022
10 WordPress Plugins That Save Bloggers Time

1. Stats Personally, I feel it is essential for bloggers to track the activity on their blogs. You can make use of a web analytics tool, but it takes...

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Posted by | May 23, 2022
Top 5 Reasons Why WordPress Maintenance Is Essential

Although WordPress is most commonly used for blogging, you can also use it to host other types of sites, such as online stores and media galleries. The template system and...

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Posted by | May 20, 2022
A Simple Wallet Implementation for Laravel

Laravel Wallet by Stephen Jude is a simple wallet implementation for Laravel models: 1class User extends Authenticatable implements Wallet 2{ 3 use HasWallet; 4} Using the ‘HasWallet’ trait, you can add deposits, make withdrawals, and check...

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Posted by | May 20, 2022
Laravel 9.13 Released

The Laravel team released 9.13 with a value() collection method, new test response helpers, an array map convenience method, and more: Release Notes You can see the complete list of...

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