Laravel 9.13 Released

Laravel 9.13 Released


The Laravel team released 9.13 with a value() collection method, new test response helpers, an array map convenience method, and more:

Release Notes

You can see the complete list of new features and updates below and the diff between 9.12.0 and 9.13.0 on GitHub. The following release notes are directly from the changelog:

Add value() Collection Method

Steve Bauman contributed a value() method to the Collection class, which gets a single key’s value from the first matching item in the collection:

$c = new $collection([

[‘id’ => 1, ‘name’ => ‘Hello’],

[‘id’ => 2, ‘name’ => ‘World’]


$this->assertEquals(‘Hello’, $c->value(‘name’));

$this->assertEquals(‘World’, $c->where(‘id’, 2)->value(‘name’));

Assert JSON Missing Path Test Response Helper

Danilo Polani contributed a assertJsonMissingPath method to the TestResponse class. Here are a few examples from the pull request:



->assertJsonMissingPath(’email’); // Never return the user email




 Assert Count in a Test With the Notification Fake

@Chrysanthos contributed an assertCount method to the Notification fake class. The use-case for this method is asserting that a given number of notifications were sent in a test:


// Assert four notifications were sent


Test Response collect() Method

Ilya Borisov contributed a collect() method to the TestResponse class to get the JSON-decoded body of the response as a collection:

// Get the whole test response as a collection



Given the following array of data for a JSON response


‘foo’ => [‘foobar_foo’ => ‘foo’, ‘foobar_bar’ => ‘bar’],



// Returns a collection instance with:

// [‘foobar_foo’ => ‘foo’, ‘foobar_bar’ => ‘bar’]


Array map() Method

Daniel Eckermann contributed an Arr::map() method:

// Arr::map() example

$data = [‘first’ => ‘taylor’, ‘last’ => ‘otwell’];

$mapped = Arr::map($data, function ($value, $key) {

return $key.’-‘.strrev($value);





  • Added Illuminate/Collections/Traits/EnumeratesValues::value() (#42257)
  • Added new TestResponse helper: assertJsonMissingPath (#42361)
  • Added Illuminate/Support/Testing/Fakes/NotificationFake::assertCount() (#42366)
  • Added new DetectLostConnections (#42377, #42382)
  • Added Illuminate/Testing/TestResponse::collect() (#42384)
  • Added full callable support to schedule:list (#42400)
  • Added Illuminate/Collections/Arr::map() (#42398)


  • Fixed PruneCommand finding its usage within other traits (#42350)
  • Fix assert that exception is thrown without message (#42360)


  • Skip parameter parsing for raw post body in HTTP Client (#42364)
  • Consistency between digits and digits_between validation rules (#42358)
  • Corrects the use of “failed_jobs” instead of “job_batches” in BatchedTableCommand (#42389)
  • Update email.blade.php (#42388)
  • Remove old monolog 1.x compat code (#42392)
  • SesTransport: use correct Tags argument (#42390)
  • Implement robust handling of forwarding of exception codes (#42393)

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